
Bupa Dental Care Moortown

Aneesh Bali

GDC - 192519 BChD University of Leeds 2010 Dentist

Aneesh Kumar Bali graduated from the University of Leeds in 2010. He then completed vocational training at a specialist referral practice in Leeds.

Here at Bupa Dental Care Moortown, Aneesh enjoys providing general dentistry.

With a keen eye for detail, Aneesh’s passion comes from undertaking all aspects of aesthetic and cosmetic dentistry including smile makeovers using composite bonding, Invisalign aligners, veneers, crowns and bridgework.

Aneesh is committed to further learning, enhancing and refining his knowledge and skill set with a particular interest in aesthetic dentistry. To demonstrate this he completed MJDF examinations and completed courses at the world-renowned Eastman Dental Institute.

Patient testimonial

"I cannot express in words how grateful I am to Aneesh and his team.

"When I first came to see Aneesh about getting composite bonding, I was very anxious about my teeth. He put me at ease from the start. He listened to my concerns and worked out the most appropriate solution. I had lost enamel and size on my two front teeth and this caused me a lot of worry. I was very self-conscious about my teeth and this often stopped me from smiling.

"I had thought about getting composite bonding for a while and finally made the appointment. I was keen to get my teeth sorted ahead of my wedding, which was only a few months away. Aneesh and his team worked so hard to ensure that we completed the treatment needed on my teeth in time for my wedding.

"Aneesh did a fantastic job and it has made such a difference to how I feel and to the appearance of my smile. I can speak and smile without being self-conscious. I had the biggest smile on my face on my wedding day and my teeth looked perfect in the pictures. I am so pleased with the outcome and grateful to Aneesh and his team. I cannot recommend Aneesh enough."

Alice Walls

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